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It is indeed great what GenAI is bringing to the masses.

What must be remembered though, is that these machines are ultimately predictors of the next word with a certain probability and that hallucinations are fundamentally part of their "character".

That said, these things are very, very useful – especially for routine tasks (as you also mention).

When it comes to coding, one must be careful though: These things can make subtle mistakes that will only be spotted by an expert eye. In many cases, this won't matter though, but when it does, it can land you in hot water. While I believe that these things are useful to fulltime junior software engineers, such people must be careful. AI really is an expert tool in some cases.

It's also useful for rubber ducking (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging).

Then there's the issue of copyright. We have some interesting years ahead.

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