See also 'Factfulness' by Hans Rosling. Sadly Hans has passed but his work is being sustained by his family. Loved this article. Thank you.

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Th Simon-Ehrlich wager demonstrating that resource abundance is positively correlated with population radically changed how I think about "donut economics" or "spaceship earth"

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Had to ChatGPT what Simon-Ehrlich wager was, so thanks for that, Peter!

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Johan, nice piece. However, are you not making yourself guilty of Malthusianism by passing the following value judgement? "South Africa is very much on the right trajectory, with a fertility rate that is just above replacement level" - what exactly makes this right?

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It's right in the sense that 'we don't have to worry about population causing fiscal problems in the near future'. But it may sound like I'm making a normative claim, so it's a valid point.

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