Join me in New York and Boston!

On 26 July, the Economics department and LEAP will host a Stellenbosch alumni event in New York. I'll give a short talk on 'The Data Revolution in African Economic History'. Four days later, on Monday, 30 July, we'll host another event in Boston. If you are in the neighbourhood and want to drop in to hear what we're doing at LEAP, in the department and at Stellenbosch University, please send me a mail. In New York, we'll meet at the ING offices and in Boston, we'll be at the Residence Inn hotel in Cambridge.
The reason I'll be in the US is to participate in the World Economic History Congress, which is hosted by MIT this year. I'm responsible for five papers (yes, I know, this is bad planning), so it will be a busy conference. The programme can be downloaded here. I hope to share some of the results of this research on this blog over the coming three months. (Also, I'm excited about plans for a new look blog. More about that later.)
After the WEHC2018, I'll take a two-week break before going on a seminar tour in Gauteng, delivering papers at the universities of Pretoria (27 August), Wits (29 August), Johannesburg (30 August) and North-West, Potchefstroom (31 August). I'll post more detail about those talks closer to the time.